Thursday, March 11, 2004

It's springtime, the weather is warm, and Josiah swam in the pool for the first time tuesday (well, since his birthday, at least). The weather and time of year provides great peace for my soul.

So, here is where we start this part of our journey, but as I think back this journey has several starting points. A recent e-mail conversation confirmed our desire (some might say calling) to serve the poor and lost in Mwanza, Tanzania. The summer of 2001 provided us with the opportunity to visit Mwanza. Charity and I met on a mission trip to Africa in 1997. Our individual desires to serve God through mission work predates our relationship. Personally, I feel that God may have been forming a heart for the poor and the suffering within me even before I became a follower of Christ.

But I can't rewrite all the experiences of my life, so I will start here... We live in Vegas, Charity is a full-time mother of Josiah, and I work a couple of different jobs to make ends meet (or at least get the ends closer together). It is our great dream and desire to join Chris and Teresa Boyce (and other dreamers like us) in a quest to proclaim the Kingdom of God to the people of Mwanza, Tanzania.

God has blessed us this week. Some friends, although frustrated by our inability to provide them with a fundraising letter, provided us with a large check (one of those checks that has a comma in it!), with the memo line saying "plane tickets". The check might get us as far as London, but the symbolism and encouragement provided by this gift is worth more than the airfare it will provide. It reminds us of God's provision.

Well, I must return to work. If there is anyone out there who sees this blog, and has anything to say, or any questions to ask, please do so. May God pour his love upon you this day.


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