Friday, February 25, 2005

Family Retreat

Our mission team just enjoyed the weekend in Arkansas in the foothills of the Ozarks. We wanted the opportunity to bring our parents together to meet the other members of our team, and spend some time with some former missionaries to Africa.

The highlights included:

1. Time spent with our teammates. We are spread across the country, and are so encouraged to be around each other. It is a foretaste of what we will enjoy in Mwanza!

2. Monte and Beth Cox, and Oneal Tankersley sharing their experiences as missionaries in Africa with us and our families, and Beth's parents sharing what it is like sending your kids and grandkids overseas.

3. Touring the HUT missionary training village, where the team will gather in May to participate in a two week intensive course to help us grapple with issues of poverty and development in the third-world.

(note: the picture is from the Harding webpage; we don't know who the people are, but it is Monte teaching!)

4. The blessing offered by our parents as they surrounded us in prayer and affirmation.

5. The African worship service on Sunday morning (Bwana Asifiwe!)

We are so grateful for the help of Monte and Beth Cox and Oneal Tankersley, as well as their assistants Bobby and Candice. We were richly blessed!


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