Friday, August 19, 2005

The Dangers of Missionary Work, Coming to Nebraska.

Check out these two news stories... first, a news story on the increasing rate of Lion attacks on people in our fair Tanzania. The gist of the story: not enough Zebra or Antelope around anymore, so the lions are hungry. The billboard pictured above warns those entering one village of a lion whose appetite has yet to be sated by 40 victims.

Second story... a plan being floated by some conservationists to relocate some of the animals from Africa that are suffering habitat loss (like lions)to the great plains of the US. This is the equivalent of a ecological insurance policy; if things go badly in Africa, we will still have wild African species roaming around here,

Here's my response: If you want to see these animals, don't relocate them to Nebraska. Come visit us in Tanzania. We will rent a lion-proof Land Rover, we will visit the Serengeti, where our park fees will contribute to furthering the protection of these animals... in Africa.


Blogger Todd Lollar said...

Lions, and tigers and bears, OH MY! I'm coming to Mwanza to visit you, love on people, and to ride a lion like a harley on a bad piece of road!!!!

10:38 AM  

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