Wednesday, March 15, 2006

devastatingly good.

As our plans continue to move forward, our excitement builds. Our plane tickets are being locked in. Our water filter and electrical transformers are on the way. Our stuff will soon ship to Africa (okay, not as excited about that one... lots of work!).

But spending the past weekend with Charity's family and the church in Grundy county helps us to realize the gravity of our decisions. Now, I am not complaining... we are getting to live out our greatest desires... but with some dire family consequences. Charity's grandparents are aging, and their health has declined markedly over the past year. Elijah will not enjoy the close bond with his Nana and Papa, or his grandparents, that Josiah has enjoyed. And Josiah will not understand why he will not be able to see some of the people he loves most for close to three years. He will eventually get distracted. Family here, however, will not be so easily distracted.

We have the easy part. We get to see firsthand the significance of our work and efforts, which diminishes any sense of sacrifice involved. But those who remain behind have little to counter their sacrifice. The call pays a heavy price, and the burden is not always evenly shared.

We stand on the shoulders of giants, giants who reluctantly bless us to go while they secretly desire for us to stay. What reward is there for them?

perhaps we should reword Matthew 19:29; surely there is blessing for those who do not abandon children for the gospel, but rather bless them to "abandon" them.


Blogger Jason said...

Kevin, my friend,

I am both humbled and amazed at the work you are doing, although in no way should I be surprised. You and your family are making some big sacrifices, but you know the rewards that will be reaped, and I suspect everyone around you knows as well. Now that I've found your blog (quite by accident, I might add), I'm look forward to keeping up with the wonderful things that God does through you and your family.

Jason Martin

9:03 PM  
Blogger Holly O'Quinn said...

Kevin and Charity,
Oh how your words hit home! What an encouragement to my heart! Three weeks ago we said farewell to my sister and her family who left for Guinea West Africa for the next three years. We rejoice that they are there and getting settled into what they have been preparing for, for such a long time. They are finally in a place they can call home!

May God bless you and your families during this time of transition. Thanks for keeping all of us updated!

8:39 AM  
Blogger Randy said...

Kevin and Charity,
what truth your words speak. The decision we make is often difficult for our families who stay behind. They watch as we go on to new things, make new friends, and enter a whole new world which they often have no context to understand. And this decision is complicated even more when we take our children, their grandchildren or nephew or neice, with us. Someone once told me that it is tougher on our families because they were not the ones who choose to make this decision that is not changing this part of thier lives signifcantly. No matter how happy they are that we get to live out our Christian walk in this way there is still some feeling of loss. Don't hear all of this as completely sad for this loss is not insurmountable for the joy held within the Spirit of God and therefore within all of us as God's children can overcome this joy. Know that for our families and friends of faith they share our belief that the this calling from God is worth it. And I agree and believe that God not only blesses those who go but those who "abandon" us to go.

We love you all and are confident that God will use you to touch the lives of many as He has used your lives to touch ours.

6:17 PM  

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