Wednesday, December 14, 2005

We have two winners.

First, in the creativity contest, Joel Quile wins, hands, I mean hand, down.

And in the closest guess category, the winner is my sister, Shannon, who was then disqualified for disclosing unflattering information about her brother.

So Joel will soon receive a prize package, which includes University of Tennessee Bowl tickets for the upcoming bowl season. GO VOLS!

Now, the real story:

Nashville Gas decided to ignore the request for transfer of gas service, and only honor the cut-off request of the previous tenant. So they came out and shut off the gas. We discovered this when we returned to Nashville from a weekend out of town.

It was 6 pm when we got there, about 7 when we figured out the air wasn’t getting any hotter. and the hot water was icy-cold.

Nothing could be done that night, despite many calls to our property’s answering service (sub-freezing temps qualified it as an emergency, but Walmart, not our landlord, came to the midnight rescue with a 1500 watt space heater, which made the bedroom toasty. By three or four am, we starting peeling off the 14 layers of blankets we had unpacked for our indoor camping experience.

It took about 48 hours to get the gas turned on. We bathed with water from the stove, which Josiah found to be extra fun. This process also super-humidified the place, which every home needs in winter.

But here is my serious twist: Despite my complaining to everyone who would listen, including lodging complaints with the public utility commission, we were not in dire need. We had shelter; even without a space heater we would have survived.

How much worse is the situation in kashmir?

tens of thousands there will not be able to call and complain. They will die without shelter. I am truly spoiled. I am truly blessed.


Blogger Ashley said...

I am glad Charity's water didn't break. Kevin, I forget what a tender heart you have. You are so compassionate. You will continue to bless the mission field and God's Kingdom in so many ways. I am always reminded of my own "bubble" and selfishness when I read your thoughts.

7:50 AM  

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