Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Welcome to the M-log (monthly log!)

on a friends computer, so time for a few brief updates:

Computer: We are sending it home (America, not China) for repairs. It will return in June. It's getting a new hard drive, and, hopefully, they will be able to get the data off the dead hard drive (just a bunch of 0's and 1's, but they make up all of our pictures since arriving here, most of Elijah's life!)

Housing: We are painting right now, finishing the kitchen cabinets and counter tops, and finishing a few windows. We will start buying doors this week (would be easier if the sizes were regular, and the door frames were square!), and hopefully, by the end of May, we will be in the house. Those of you who know me can envision me as a construction foreman about as easily as picturing Charity with a New York accent. So we all will be happy to have the construction behind us.

The Zeanah's from Montgomery Alabama are visiting us next week, followed by the Wes and Amanda Gunn next month, then finally Charity's parents in July. Josiah just starts jumping up and down when we talk about it; if we get on the road towards the airport, he thinks were going to pick up people!

Village work:
Since our last blog, I have been able to form some relationships in a village named Busami in the Nassa Chiefdom of Sukumaland. It is hard to form relationships when you are simply a language learner, but it appears like some good things may be on the horizon there. Will keep you posted.

We had a weekend getaway with the boys. Drove them to the Serengeti, so we could see their reaction to finding Giraffe, Zebra, Crocodiles, Wildebeest, and best of all, Elephants. When you drive your car towards Giraffe, they run beautifully, something you won't see in a zoo. But when you drive towards a bull Elephant, they don't feel quite so threatened.

Thank you to all who stop by and encourage us with your comments! The lindermans


Blogger Dana M. said...

It's nice to see this update. I'm glad there's hope for your computer and that the house construction is going relatively well.

Charity with a NY accent. . .that's funny!

I think about you guys really often and pray for you lots.

Much love,

6:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kevin and charity linderman! sarah wilson here, form abilene, somehow..... How about a nurse for a while???? I am looking for something different now and as I see that you are building a new house, where better to go than Tanzania....I had thought Kenya, but hey, close enough...... email me.... looking at august...I am trying to get in at san francisco state, late, so if that falls through, I am free for the falling...if i end up in san fran, I will probably hook up with shannon, so, looks like the lindermans win! talk to you soon. sarah wilson

1:31 AM  
Blogger Shanta said...

Kevin and Charity,

Happy May! It's good to see you are still having a wonderful adventure! Sorry to hear about the hard drive. What a stinker. To bulk up your contacts, my email is Good luck with the driving and run ins with police. I LOVE that you took the boys to the Serengeti. Africa is such a magical place!

Blessings to all of you!
Shanta and Ken

12:27 PM  

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