Friday, January 28, 2005

Meaningful Metaphors...

While watching the Super Bowl with friends from church, the now famous commercial came on, with the poor employee working in an office full of monkeys.


Normally restrained, sensitive, soft-spoken Herby leaned over to disclose the true meaning of the commercial:

"those monkeys...they're there to represent the women".

Can a commercial compete with that for laughs?
Is my gray hair showing?

I told an eighth grader at Swiss Memorial School (were I am Mr. Kevin, substitute extraordinaire) about going to see the San Francisco Giants play at Candlestick when I was his age. His reply:

"wow, so you got to watch Willie Mays?"

Thanks for the self-esteem boost, Tyler.
John Marsh, writing 40 years ago about Jesus turning water into wine, says:

... and to believe in him is quite evidently not to believe that he can turn water into wine, but rather that he is the true bridegroom, who will replace the inadequate rites of [water] purification established among the Jews with the reality of communion--a marriage--with God acheived through his sacrificial death for all ... Jewish water is anticipation, Christian wine is for all time the reality. The one is but a promise, the other fulfillment...

All this depth of meaning, encased within a sincere act of friendly generosity.