Tuesday, October 25, 2005

An ominous beginning. A blessed conclusion.

Our weekend in Alabama began with us watching the beloved Volunteers fumble away a chance at beating the hated Crimson Tide. For a handful of Bama fans, we were the first Tennessee fans they interacted with after the travesty; they were not shy about unloading the pent-up frustration of years spent in SEC futility. Man, I hate red.

On a more serious note, our time in Montgomery was incredibly blessed. Thank you for your prayers.

We found increasing numbers of people at Landmark that share our heart for missions. They are burdened for the lost and the poor, and want to partner with us in our work in Tanzania. They are committed to pray for us; on three different occasions, they surrounded us in prayer.

And the meeting: our meeting with the elders and missions ministry did not feel like a proposal or interview. It seemed like a gathering of Godly men and women who were eager to welcome us into their spiritual community. It reminded us of how much we have to learn and grow to be effective servants of the Lord, and it confirmed how much we would live to learn and grow at the feet of these men and women.

We should know something soon, perhaps as early as a week. We hope to share more with you soon. For now, off to bed. And the win streak will begin again next fall.


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